Posts tagged coaching
Why Can't It Be Easy?

Sometimes we find ourselves enamored by complexity.

If something is complex it is perceived as intellectual, superior, and in some cases, just plain better.

A Tesla is more complex than a Camry. Is the Tesla better than the Camry? Some might say yes, some might say no. Regardless, both cars can get you from point A to point B. Isn’t that what matters?

Complexity might be sexy, but is it more effective?

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What 'could have been' is never as good as 'right now'

Over the past month I’ve found myself thinking about what could have been.

Being perfectly honest, It’s been eating me up.

I call this a trapped mindset.

Any time I’ve found myself thinking about the ‘what if’s’ or the ‘what could have been’ or even worse, ‘if I did this, then my life would be at this point’. No matter the way you frame it, it’s a trap.

It’s a trapped mindset.

I don’t know if a ‘trapped mindset’ is a real thing, but that’s what I call it.

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3 Things Your Workout Doesn't Need

One of the more common elements of Personal Training is analyzing what your new clients have been/ are currently doing in their training programming.

Some stuff is good.

Some stuff is not so good.

Surprise, surprise, right?

But when it comes to looking at client programs, there are a few ‘red flags’ that tend to show up especially if the person is coming to me with some specific feedback on what they are feeling (injuries), lack of results (not training with intensity), or boredom (believe it or not, they are jumping from program to program too much and aren’t actually getting better at their workout).

Keeping those feelings in mind, here are 3 things your training program doesn’t need.

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Struggling With Your New Years Resolution? Read this...

And that’s why we set goals, right? We want to achieve that shit.

Maybe this is a timely read for you as you are close to two weeks into your New Year's resolutions.

How are they going?

If you’ve had troubles, I want to challenge you right now.

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