Posts tagged fitness information
{Guest Post}- My Muscle Did What?

I'm tapping out and subbing in the big guns again this week!

My dude, my Doctor, my preferred Physical Therapist for all things health, Doctor Dan Ellis wrote a gem of a piece for us all this week.

Fun fact about Dan...I have him listed as my General Physician for everything in my life...seriously, I see him for everything...

I asked Dan to write about all the over-complicated words and phrases that are often heard in a rehabilitation setting.

Dan didn't disappoint!

I think you are going to learn a lot from his piece and I hope it helps you in the future when navigating aches and pains!

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A Carpenter's Tale of Mastery

Ah, the second full week of January. What a magical time of year, right?

New Years Resolutions have been set...

You're starting to feel removed from the holiday craziness...

Just in time for the cold cruel reality to set in that the goal(s) you set for yourself are a challenge.

At least, they should feel like a challenge...seriously, they should be hard!

In this week's newsletter I wanted to offer you some indirect wisdom as it pertains to achieving your desired outcome.

I wrote this article back in July of 2016 on I had spent a few days helping my Dad build a big-ass deck and got completely worked over at how bad I was at swinging a hammer (really, doing anything construction related just isn't my forte), but after being coached up, I was at least serviceable.

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A Birthday List: 32 Lessons in Fitness and Nutrition

Normally I’m not a birthday guy. However, since the birth of my daughter, I now have a 2 and a half year old cheerleader who hypes me up for any and every holiday or event that happens.

Shout out to Sauce… it’s nice having a cheerleader…

So NOW I’m a birthday guy. In honor of turning the big 3-2, I wanted to create a list of 32 thoughts geared towards fitness and nutrition. Some are short, some are long. Some are factual with real science behind them, and some are anecdotal n=1 from 32 years of life.

Without further adieu…

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Struggling With Your New Years Resolution? Read this...

And that’s why we set goals, right? We want to achieve that shit.

Maybe this is a timely read for you as you are close to two weeks into your New Year's resolutions.

How are they going?

If you’ve had troubles, I want to challenge you right now.

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