Posts tagged physical therapy
{Guest Post}- My Muscle Did What?

I'm tapping out and subbing in the big guns again this week!

My dude, my Doctor, my preferred Physical Therapist for all things health, Doctor Dan Ellis wrote a gem of a piece for us all this week.

Fun fact about Dan...I have him listed as my General Physician for everything in my life...seriously, I see him for everything...

I asked Dan to write about all the over-complicated words and phrases that are often heard in a rehabilitation setting.

Dan didn't disappoint!

I think you are going to learn a lot from his piece and I hope it helps you in the future when navigating aches and pains!

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Tales from the P.T. Table- Volume 2

The rehabilitation pendulum is starting to swing positive, my friends.

A few weeks ago I wrote about my trips to physical therapy (check that out right here) and since being ‘discharged’, aka train but don’t be a moron, I wanted to share a few more thoughts that I have had over the last month of continued training, but with a Physical Therapy twist.

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Tales from the P.T. Table- Volume 1

I’m no stranger to Physical Therapy. Having spent 12 years in a health club with a PT clinic onsite paired with strength training in your 20s, I found myself on the table regularly during off hours.

Recently, with my shift to training and working out of my home studio full time, I haven’t had the luxury above, but yet still manage to train like I’m an idiot in my 20s (kind of…). I’ve always had a cranky lower back- my spine is shaped like a ? rather than an S and it periodically gives problems, fixable problems, but problems nonetheless.

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