Posts in Articles
Strength AND Mobility...Here's How You Do BOTH

Confession. I don't 'follow' a lot of other Personal Trainers. When it comes to social media, I don't particularly care to see what other trainers put out, what their gyms do, or the info that they share.

Not that it's bad information, sometimes it's really good.

I am just too close to the information. When I see other Personal Trainers talking about how to craft the 'best' workout...or what exercise helps achieve (insert body part here)...or any of those buzzy topics, I just know that there is typically so much context that can't get shared through social media that I just tune out.

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ArticlesCasey LeeComment
3 Things I Did Differently (In My Own Training) In 2024

2024 isn’t done yet, but as the calendar turns to December…and I just placed my order or a 2025 daily planner…I can’t help but get a little reflective on the past 12 or so months.

I very rarely write about my own training - however, I do plan on sharing more about it on my website and on social media going in 2025- but I do get asked what my workouts look like on occasion and thought it would be fun to write about.

So alas, here we are. Three things I changed in 2024 within my own workouts…

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ArticlesCasey LeeComment
3 Lower Body Movements For a Pain-Free Workout

This past summer I celebrated my 35th birthday. With this turn around the sun brings the completion of my 15th year as a Personal Trainer. Not only am I stoked to have made it 15 years in the same profession, 15 years of 'practice' has taught me a very valuable skill.

Helping people workout around their pain points, or 'body baggage', as I so affectionately call it.

One of the biggest culprits? Sore knees! Whether it's from a botched knee surgery in the 80s or 90s, something 'crunchy' from an old injury, or just plain 'ol achey knees, sore knees can be a major deterrent from wanting to exercise and exercising well.

So without further adieu, here are the 3 'go-to' lower body movements I use with my clients that have sore knees.

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ArticlesCasey LeeComment
Spice up your push ups! Try These

The push up is one of the most celebrated and polarizing movements in the gym.

Pushing yourself up off the floor is a pretty liberating feeling, and from a Trainers' perspective, there are a lot of good things that happen with a push up.

Core strength (it's a moving plank...).

Pelvic control (amazing for a strong lower back).

And of course, defined arms. Specifically, your triceps (everyone loves strong arms!).

So, if you're looking to spice up your push up game, give these variations a try

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ArticlesCasey LeeComment
The 5-Minute Finisher My Clients are LOVING!

For those who don't know, along with online personal training I train people in real life as well. All of the 'real life' personal training happens in my studio so eloquently named "The Rave Cave". Complete with LED lights, black out blinds, and the music to match, the Rave Cave is home to many awesome workouts, and of late, a finisher that my clients are LOVING.

For those who may not know what a 'finisher' is...these are short, somewhat intense, periods of exercise that either 1) get your heart rate up 2) exhaust the muscles you just worked out or 3) both!

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ArticlesCasey LeeComment