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6 Months Of Personal Training, 6 Lessons Learned About Fitness

I’m a big believer that everyone needs a Coach and that being coached is one of the best learning experiences you can go through.

Over the past decade or so I have had the pleasure of working with some phenomenal Personal Trainers who have coached me to personal bests, fast 5k times, 30 pounds of weight loss, and most recently helped coach me through some serious blood marker improvements.

As I finish up my 6th month of coaching, and close to 90 workouts over that time, I wanted to reflect on 6 key lessons I have learned, and re-learned, over this time span.

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I Improved my Cholesterol in 6 Months...Lessons Learned Along The Way

Last September I went in for my routine wellness check with my Primary Care Physician. Though I had just lost a substantial amount of weight (you can click here to read more about those lessons learned), I was shocked to see my bloodwork results showed high cholesterol - specifically LDL- and moderately increased triglycerides.

Needless to say, I wasn’t thrilled with those results and the conversation with my PCP ended with “you have 6 months to work on it your way before we work on it my way”.

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Fit Tip Friday- 3 "Shoulder Friendly" Pressing Exercises

If I were to ask you to name me three exercises you'd see in any gym, there are a few clear cut stand outs.

Your classic bicep curls, squatting, bench pressing, and eventually somewhere on the list, I'd say you'd describe some kind of overhead pressing.

For whatever reason, somewhere in the strands of time, shoulder pressing - pressing the weight overhead- got a bad wrap.

However, most clients I work with want the goal of looking like they work out when they walk around in their t-shirt, and ladies often tell me they want to tone up around their arms and shoulders.

Insert shoulder pressing dilemma here.

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