Posts tagged workout
Thoughts On Posture + A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!

A few Friday’s ago I had the pleasure of joining in on an educational webinar about the shoulder.

Riveting Friday afternoon, right?

The Doctor who was giving the lecture said something that I thought was really eye-opening and immediately made me think of all of us gym-goer's who workout, but also work a routine day job, which probably has us sitting more times than not.

When she got to the spine, as it relates to the shoulder, she informed that the spine is one of the only joint structures in the body that has to move all over the place - rotation, side to side, front and back - BUT is not responsible for initiating that movement.

*Low key, my mind was blown. I had never pieced that together*

But what does this mean for you?

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The Best Type Of Workout For Every Scenario - PART 1

A buddy on social media messaged me the other day and asked me "Hey Casey, what's the best type of workout to do if I only have 15-20 minutes?"

And it got me thinking...

There's a lot of unique scenarios that challenge what type of workout or training style you can accomplish.

A powerlifter couldn't get it done in 15-20 minutes.

Training just your arms for 15 minutes wouldn't achieve too many additional health benefits.

SO...I gave him my answer and moved on my merry way.

**Don't worry, I'll tell you what I told him, in detail...just keep reading**

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