Posts tagged personal training
End Training Frustration With This Strategy

In 2017 I made a major shift in programming for my clients to help with that very notion of progress.

Specifically, the shift made progress transparent.

Now, I don't mean transparent in a way that you can clearly see it. I wish it was that easy.

"Okay, put 5 more pounds on the bar and go"

Boom. Progress. Right?

Well yes. That is indeed progress. But, what if the weight doesn't go up? What happens if you can't increase the difficulty of the movement?

What happens next?

This is the challenge my clients were facing and this is the problem I knew I needed a solution for.

So, here's what I did.

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22 Thoughts on Fitness for 2022

January serves as a time where I like to sit back and see what comes up in the fitness and nutrition world(s)… what questions get asked, and what curiosity shows up among my group of online coaching clients and friends.

I LOVE client questions (and reader questions!), as you know from past articles like this one or this one...they really help get the wheels turning.

Since there tends to be a lot of common themes, I wanted to write down a list of 22 thoughts surrounding fitness and nutrition that tend to answer a lot of these questions. Some of these thoughts are future predictions for 2022, some might feel like I am beating a dead horse (but definitely worth repeating). All in all, I think this list will help get your gears turning.

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{Guest Post}- 5 (Fitness) Lessons from a Father of 4

I am super excited to have another awesome gust article from a Coach I've worked alongside for half a dozen years in my previous position.

Dustin wrote a nice intro for himself so I don't have to do too much jibber-jabber right here. I throughly enjoyed reading Coach's post and I am incredibly thankful he reached out to help for the paternity-leave cause. Coach, I look forward to repaying the favor!

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What the hell does that mean? Strength Training Edition

I found myself talking to a friend of mine not too long ago and we were making fun of the industry. Specifically, how so many Personal Trainers like to use the science jargon relating to exercise to their audience on social media, and presumably, their clients as well.

It makes me giggle when Personal Trainers start talking about force-velocity curves, synergistic muscle tendencies, citing the epimysium of the muscle belly, and so forth.

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Tales from the P.T. Table- Volume 2

The rehabilitation pendulum is starting to swing positive, my friends.

A few weeks ago I wrote about my trips to physical therapy (check that out right here) and since being ‘discharged’, aka train but don’t be a moron, I wanted to share a few more thoughts that I have had over the last month of continued training, but with a Physical Therapy twist.

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