Posts tagged online coaching
What the hell does that mean? Strength Training Edition

I found myself talking to a friend of mine not too long ago and we were making fun of the industry. Specifically, how so many Personal Trainers like to use the science jargon relating to exercise to their audience on social media, and presumably, their clients as well.

It makes me giggle when Personal Trainers start talking about force-velocity curves, synergistic muscle tendencies, citing the epimysium of the muscle belly, and so forth.

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What is a calorie?

What the fuck is a calorie.

Let's start with what Google has to say about it.

Noun. The energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1 °C

Interesting. No reference to food. So where did calories get lumped with food?

Let's ask Google again. Here’s what shows up when you type in “define calorie food”.

A calorie is a unit of energy. When you hear something contains 100 calories, it's a way of describing how much energy your body could get from eating or drinking it.

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3 Things Your Workout Doesn't Need

One of the more common elements of Personal Training is analyzing what your new clients have been/ are currently doing in their training programming.

Some stuff is good.

Some stuff is not so good.

Surprise, surprise, right?

But when it comes to looking at client programs, there are a few ‘red flags’ that tend to show up especially if the person is coming to me with some specific feedback on what they are feeling (injuries), lack of results (not training with intensity), or boredom (believe it or not, they are jumping from program to program too much and aren’t actually getting better at their workout).

Keeping those feelings in mind, here are 3 things your training program doesn’t need.

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3 Reasons I Have a Coach & You Should Too

The last 12 weeks were a total trip.

The week of Thanksgiving I decided to purchase one of the training programs from Worcester Massachusetts powerlifting gym, The Strength House. Co-owners Tony Bonvechio and Greg Robins are absolute stud coaches and stud human beings (both are also Fathers of young kiddos) so I knew I was going to be in great hands.

Needless to say, I stuck to the script, followed the program, and had some serious success. So much so, that I am running the program back for another 12 weeks.

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