Posts tagged fitness
6 Months Of Personal Training, 6 Lessons Learned About Fitness

I’m a big believer that everyone needs a Coach and that being coached is one of the best learning experiences you can go through.

Over the past decade or so I have had the pleasure of working with some phenomenal Personal Trainers who have coached me to personal bests, fast 5k times, 30 pounds of weight loss, and most recently helped coach me through some serious blood marker improvements.

As I finish up my 6th month of coaching, and close to 90 workouts over that time, I wanted to reflect on 6 key lessons I have learned, and re-learned, over this time span.

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Should You Wait To Start Your New Years Resolutions?

I'll just start right here by saying that I am a BIG resolution guy.

I actually wrote about them back in July as well. You can check that article out right here if you'd like.

I think that any time a landmark comes around and sparks some fire for change it instantly becomes a catalyst for change.

But here's what I've noticed in 12 years as Personal Trainer…

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{Guest Post}- 5 (Fitness) Lessons from a Father of 4

I am super excited to have another awesome gust article from a Coach I've worked alongside for half a dozen years in my previous position.

Dustin wrote a nice intro for himself so I don't have to do too much jibber-jabber right here. I throughly enjoyed reading Coach's post and I am incredibly thankful he reached out to help for the paternity-leave cause. Coach, I look forward to repaying the favor!

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Dear Genie, Please Grant Me These 3 (Fitness) Wishes

As a parent of a 3 year old I have watched my fair share of Disney+.

Mandalorian? Love it.

Frozen? The best.

Disney Princesses? Odd storylines, but I’m here for it.

Seriously, Belle, you’ve been kidnapped and are being held captive in a castle and you make zero attempts to leave?

But my favorite? Reliving all the childhood nostalgia. From Lion King to the original Star Wars trilogy, it’s been a blast watching all of these again with the kiddo.

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Imposter Syndrome: How to deal with it

My career growth has always been centered around educational opportunities.

As a Personal Trainer, I’ve always found that educating those who hire me was my key to coaching fitness well.

As a Certification Coach for the Parisi Franchise, my job was literally to educate new coaches on the X’s and O’s of the training system.

And every week I sit down to write this newsletter I think about educating those reading it.

As I educate, I grow. That’s how it’s always been and that’s how I hope it always stays.

With this growth, comes one constant. My never ending feelings of impostor syndrome.

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