Posts tagged free newsletter
3 Thoughts on Fitness and Nutrition (March Edition)

3 Things meets Purposeful Strength. My favorite crossover. If you’ve been following along, you know sometimes I have a list of ideas that never fully come to fruition and don’t quite get the substance for their own piece.

Thus, the 3 Things was brought in.

3 Things that are in my brain, but don’t quite have the horses in the race. Combined, they make greatness.

Okay, maybe not greatness, but they make a decent newsletter…

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Imposter Syndrome: How to deal with it

My career growth has always been centered around educational opportunities.

As a Personal Trainer, I’ve always found that educating those who hire me was my key to coaching fitness well.

As a Certification Coach for the Parisi Franchise, my job was literally to educate new coaches on the X’s and O’s of the training system.

And every week I sit down to write this newsletter I think about educating those reading it.

As I educate, I grow. That’s how it’s always been and that’s how I hope it always stays.

With this growth, comes one constant. My never ending feelings of impostor syndrome.

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