Posts tagged fitness newsletter
Why Can't It Be Easy?

Sometimes we find ourselves enamored by complexity.

If something is complex it is perceived as intellectual, superior, and in some cases, just plain better.

A Tesla is more complex than a Camry. Is the Tesla better than the Camry? Some might say yes, some might say no. Regardless, both cars can get you from point A to point B. Isn’t that what matters?

Complexity might be sexy, but is it more effective?

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3 Thoughts on Fitness and Nutrition (March Edition)

3 Things meets Purposeful Strength. My favorite crossover. If you’ve been following along, you know sometimes I have a list of ideas that never fully come to fruition and don’t quite get the substance for their own piece.

Thus, the 3 Things was brought in.

3 Things that are in my brain, but don’t quite have the horses in the race. Combined, they make greatness.

Okay, maybe not greatness, but they make a decent newsletter…

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3 Things You Need To Hear (Vol.1)

I’m notorious for writing in three’s.

It’s kind of my thing.

If you’ve ever spent time on my website you’ll see short blogs that highlight ‘3 Things’ as well as my podcast, literally named, The 3 Things Podcast.

It was only a matter of time before it found it’s way over to Purposeful Strength. Whenever I plan on writing this week there is always a collection of preliminary thoughts that don’t quite have the horses in the race to make it on paper. As I collect a few of these miscellaneous thoughts, they’re going to become the 3 Things You Need to Hear.

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Struggling With Your New Years Resolution? Read this...

And that’s why we set goals, right? We want to achieve that shit.

Maybe this is a timely read for you as you are close to two weeks into your New Year's resolutions.

How are they going?

If you’ve had troubles, I want to challenge you right now.

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