3 Things You Need To Hear (Vol.1)

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The following is a ‘re-air’ of my newsletter, Purposeful Strength, from the middle of February. This edition is take off of my 3-Things format and was by far one of my favorite to write.


3 Things You Need to Hear- Volume 1

I’m notorious for writing in three’s.

It’s kind of my thing.

If you’ve ever spent time on my website you’ll see short blogs that highlight ‘3 Things’ as well as my podcast, literally named, The 3 Things Podcast.

It was only a matter of time before it found it’s way over to Purposeful Strength. Whenever I plan on writing this week there is always a collection of preliminary thoughts that don’t quite have the horses in the race to make it on paper. As I collect a few of these miscellaneous thoughts, they’re going to become the 3 Things You Need to Hear.

Just because the concepts are even shorter, doesn’t meant their value is any less.

So here goes.

Your intuition sucks.

I’ve long championed the concept that you need to be intentional before you can be intuitive. So many times when I talk to those looking to improve their fitness, nutrition, or any other aspect of their health, they often speak about how they are taking an intuitive approach.

Your intuition sucks.

The literal definition of ‘intuition’ is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.

Without the need for conscious reasoning?!

Take some time, be intentional with your actions. Once you have perspective you can start to use that intuition...

You CAN run from your problems

Full disclosure, this one came from the author Adam Grant and I stole it.

I love this line.

You CAN run from your problems as long as you take that time to find balance, carefully think about the problem in a rational way, and create your plan of attack.

That runaway time can be what you need in order to face that challenge and come out successful.

Do it.

Take the shortest step possible.

Action = motivation. The only way to take action is to take the first step. By finding the shortest first step you’ve probably found the easiest entry point to take action.

Want to improve your fitness? Park further away from everywhere you go so you walk more.

Want to improve your nutrition? Use a smaller plate.

Want to read more? Put the book next to the toilet.

Want to take a vitamin every day? Leave 7 of them out on your counter.

Even the tiniest bit of action, that smallest step possible, is positive progress.

1000 small steps still moves you forward. Take each one of those as a victory and let your motivation build.

You got this.

Have a great week everyone,
