Posts tagged fitness coaching
The Biggest Mistake I've Made as a Personal Trainer

My favorite part about working as a personal trainer is the excitement individuals have when they first start working with me.

It’s amazing.

I even remember my first day working with Diane, a retired Nurse, who came in to her first workout with brand new sneakers.

Seriously, seeing people get fired up about improving their health is contagious. It’s my favorite party of the gig, for sure.

It took a few years to realize but that excitement was also my greatest mistake.

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Avoid this mindset trap in order to take clearer action

Have you ever started planning out your future, only to think about how you’ve handled related tasks in your past?

An example.

You’re a student going into the spring semester and you’re planning ways that you can stay engaged with your school work and studying to ensure you get a desirable GPA. As you start listing out the ways you’re going to achieve this for the upcoming semester, you start to think about why you didn’t execute on these strategies in the were going to go to the library in the evenings, but joined an intramural soccer team instead...after all, that is good for your health. That study group that met every Thursday afternoon was a great concept, but your new friends were off from class at that same time so you went to the student center with them, because after all, social interactions are important.

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Lacking Motivation? Read This.

Motivation is like a pendulum. One moment we are David Goggins infused with Tony Robbins with a side of Jocko Willink. If you don’t recognize any of those names- smash the Google button and search them.

In all seriousness, motivation is not an infinite resource that your body can tap into at will. Motivation is limited, should be used sparingly, and here’s the kicker…

Motivation can not be trusted as the ONLY resource to drive you towards your goal.

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5 things you need to do, to stop sabotaging your fitness and nutrition progress.

I recently logged in to my website to write and was blown away to see that my list of 32 lessons learned in 32 years became the most read article on my website.

If you missed that sucker, click here to check it out. And if you read it, a huge thank you for checking it out!

In an effort to give the people more of what they want, I’m going full list-mode in this week's newsletter to itemize the five things you need to do, to stop sabotaging your fitness and nutrition progress.

Sounds good? Cool. Let's rip it.

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New Years Resolutions Are AWESOME. Let Me Tell You Why

In my 10 years as a Personal Trainer, I’ve never understood why those in my industry knock New Year's Resolutions and the Resolutioners that come with them.

Change is fickle S.O.B. in that some days you want it, and others, you want to beat it away with a stick (probably when you want to change most).

The five stages of change are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance.They’re important to know, even more important to understand, but for the purpose of this newsletter, and from what I gather about the audience that reads this, you're probably either at the contemplation or preparation stage.

Let's take a quick sidebar to see what those two stages look like...

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The missing link in your fitness program

I spent some time last night hanging out with Google.

I do this on occasion, probably once a quarter. I just sit down with my laptop and start searching for various key terms and phrases related to health, wellness, fitness, and nutrition. Sometimes it’s the buzzwords I’ve been hearing from clients and other times it’s just me typing in the classics to see what shows up on the first results page.

Last night I tried the phrase “Fitness for beginners”, just curious to see what would show up.

A casual 291,000,000 answers popped up.

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