Posts tagged online personal trainer
Why You're Doing What You're Doing: The Movement Assessment

For those keeping score at home, I write the Home Gym Series, which has been going splendidly, twice a month, nutritional strategies get some love one week a month, and now this series.

This series is all about answering questions related to the programming clients receive at Purposeful Strength. Through these answers I am hoping that you will learn about new concepts in your workouts, see the thought process(es) that go in to working with a Personal Trainer, and like I am doing with Beyond Strength, steal my ideas for your own workouts!

Our first edition covers a topic that all my personal training clients, in person and online, go through; the movement assessment.

“Hey Casey, Can you just start the workouts?”


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Client Questions & Trainer Answers {Volume 3}

I’ve said it in past newsletters, articles, and podcasts before...client questions are the best questions. When it comes to my role as a Coach, nothing tells me that clients are making progress quite like the questions they ask.

Why questions, you ask?

Questions are a direct result of curiosity. Curiosity towards the unknown OR towards the current feelings or attention they are noticing.

To be even more frank, when someone asks a question, I know they give a shit. And that’s pretty damn cool.

So without further adieu, here are some questions I’ve tackled over the last few weeks.

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Set better goals by adding these 2 things...

I try to stay positive when it comes to fitness and coaching people with their fitness. But there is one area in particular where people lag.

Good goals.

Now, don’t read this the wrong way. Just because a goal isn’t ‘good’, doesn’t mean it’s ‘bad’. In the case that I am referring to, the majority of the goals I talk to people about lack specific outcomes.

Broad goals aren’t good goals.

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A Birthday List: 32 Lessons in Fitness and Nutrition

Normally I’m not a birthday guy. However, since the birth of my daughter, I now have a 2 and a half year old cheerleader who hypes me up for any and every holiday or event that happens.

Shout out to Sauce… it’s nice having a cheerleader…

So NOW I’m a birthday guy. In honor of turning the big 3-2, I wanted to create a list of 32 thoughts geared towards fitness and nutrition. Some are short, some are long. Some are factual with real science behind them, and some are anecdotal n=1 from 32 years of life.

Without further adieu…

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New Years Resolutions Are AWESOME. Let Me Tell You Why

In my 10 years as a Personal Trainer, I’ve never understood why those in my industry knock New Year's Resolutions and the Resolutioners that come with them.

Change is fickle S.O.B. in that some days you want it, and others, you want to beat it away with a stick (probably when you want to change most).

The five stages of change are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance.They’re important to know, even more important to understand, but for the purpose of this newsletter, and from what I gather about the audience that reads this, you're probably either at the contemplation or preparation stage.

Let's take a quick sidebar to see what those two stages look like...

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3 Thoughts on Fitness and Nutrition (May Edition)

It’s that time again. Time to dive into the notes app on my phone and pull out the 3 things that didn’t have the horsepower to become a full blown newsletter article.

The review on these 3 things are typically positive and they definitely offer some food for thought.

Without further adieu, May’s 3 things…

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