Posts tagged online personal training in vermont
Lacking Motivation? Read This.

Motivation is like a pendulum. One moment we are David Goggins infused with Tony Robbins with a side of Jocko Willink. If you don’t recognize any of those names- smash the Google button and search them.

In all seriousness, motivation is not an infinite resource that your body can tap into at will. Motivation is limited, should be used sparingly, and here’s the kicker…

Motivation can not be trusted as the ONLY resource to drive you towards your goal.

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Inputs vs. Outputs: What matters in your nutrition, fitness, and health?

Wearable technology, Usage apps, live time streaming, and even food and nutrition apps all have categories that itemize and register your projected exercise outputs. As all of these avenue’s have become more and more popular (what up, COVID) I’ve noticed a dramatic shift in the attention to what these devices and platforms are telling you.

“Why was my calorie output lower today from the same workout I had last week when it was 150 calories higher?”

“{insert nutrition logging app here} told me my 40 minute workout burned 300 calories, should I eat extra today?”

“My apple watch had my highest movement score, but why is the scale not moving?”

The above are examples of questions I get, from friends, family, clients, and social media acquaintances alike. Don’t get me wrong when I say this, they’re all awesome questions, and I want these questions. But the answer typically pisses people off.

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Nutrition Strategies That Stick

I came into the fitness industry as a Coach who worked exclusively with kids ages 7-12. This age group isn’t immune to many of the same requests as their adult counterparts...the number one request was ‘can you talk to my kid about nutritional choices’.

Yes, this request was made for 7-12 year olds.

Day in and day out my sessions were filled with more fun than science and more loose strategies than black and white direction.As my time in fitness has grown, surprisingly, not much has changed- specifically on the ‘loose strategies’ section.

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