Posts tagged nutrition coaching
I Did My Food Journal...Now What?

In my 12 years of personal training, coaching people on achieving fitness has never been the challenge.

You see, exercise is an external addition to your body. If you were able to regulate sleep well, eat the right levels of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and just move around for 10,000-15,000 steps, there is a very high chance that your body would be deemed ‘healthy’.

No additional exercise needed.

The challenge has always been nutrition.

The old cliché says that ‘food is fuel’, it is so much more than that.

Food is social. Food is comforting. Food is fun (ever make cookies with a 3 year old?). Food is status. Food is pleasurable. Food is a necessity for life.

Because of the reasons above, trust me, the list continues. People’s relationship with food varies. This variability makes coaching nutrition exponentially challenging.

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Avoid this mindset trap in order to take clearer action

Have you ever started planning out your future, only to think about how you’ve handled related tasks in your past?

An example.

You’re a student going into the spring semester and you’re planning ways that you can stay engaged with your school work and studying to ensure you get a desirable GPA. As you start listing out the ways you’re going to achieve this for the upcoming semester, you start to think about why you didn’t execute on these strategies in the were going to go to the library in the evenings, but joined an intramural soccer team instead...after all, that is good for your health. That study group that met every Thursday afternoon was a great concept, but your new friends were off from class at that same time so you went to the student center with them, because after all, social interactions are important.

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5 things you need to do, to stop sabotaging your fitness and nutrition progress.

I recently logged in to my website to write and was blown away to see that my list of 32 lessons learned in 32 years became the most read article on my website.

If you missed that sucker, click here to check it out. And if you read it, a huge thank you for checking it out!

In an effort to give the people more of what they want, I’m going full list-mode in this week's newsletter to itemize the five things you need to do, to stop sabotaging your fitness and nutrition progress.

Sounds good? Cool. Let's rip it.

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Nutrition Strategies That Stick

I came into the fitness industry as a Coach who worked exclusively with kids ages 7-12. This age group isn’t immune to many of the same requests as their adult counterparts...the number one request was ‘can you talk to my kid about nutritional choices’.

Yes, this request was made for 7-12 year olds.

Day in and day out my sessions were filled with more fun than science and more loose strategies than black and white direction.As my time in fitness has grown, surprisingly, not much has changed- specifically on the ‘loose strategies’ section.

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3 Thoughts on Fitness & Nutrition (April Edition)

It’s that time again...that time where the 3 Things meets Purposeful Strength. That time where I look at my list of writing topics and see what never quite materialized into a full blown write up.

Without dragging this along, here are the 3 Things I’ve been thinking about in April.

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