Posts tagged nutrition
I Did My Food Journal...Now What?

In my 12 years of personal training, coaching people on achieving fitness has never been the challenge.

You see, exercise is an external addition to your body. If you were able to regulate sleep well, eat the right levels of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and just move around for 10,000-15,000 steps, there is a very high chance that your body would be deemed ‘healthy’.

No additional exercise needed.

The challenge has always been nutrition.

The old cliché says that ‘food is fuel’, it is so much more than that.

Food is social. Food is comforting. Food is fun (ever make cookies with a 3 year old?). Food is status. Food is pleasurable. Food is a necessity for life.

Because of the reasons above, trust me, the list continues. People’s relationship with food varies. This variability makes coaching nutrition exponentially challenging.

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3 Thoughts on Fitness & Nutrition (August Edition)

It’s that time again. Every month I look at my list of topics, ideas, and thoughts and see what didn’t have the horsepower to materialize into its own blog or newsletter. It’s not to say these three things are any less, they might even be more impactful in a short tense.

Either way, I’ll let you decide that. Here are 3 Things that have been bouncing around my head for the past month...


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