Posts tagged goals
11 Fitness Goals For When You Don't Have Fitness Goals...

What goals do you have?

It's not uncommon during an initial client conversation for someone to answer this question with a variation of the following...

"I want to workout 3 times a week"


"I want to lose this" **Points to random part of the body**


"To get healthy"

All good goals in their own right.

Rather than talk about how to set can read about that by clicking here. I wanted to provide some tangible, specific, health and fitness goals that you can take away.

That is, if you find your goals to be something like the examples above...

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Struggling With Your New Years Resolution? Read this...

And that’s why we set goals, right? We want to achieve that shit.

Maybe this is a timely read for you as you are close to two weeks into your New Year's resolutions.

How are they going?

If you’ve had troubles, I want to challenge you right now.

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