Why Can't It Be Easy?


Why can’t we choose ‘easy’?

Sometimes we find ourselves enamored by complexity.

If something is complex it is perceived as intellectual, superior, and in some cases, just plain better.

A Tesla is more complex than a Camry. Is the Tesla better than the Camry? Some might say yes, some might say no. Regardless, both cars can get you from point A to point B. Isn’t that what matters?

Complexity might be sexy, but is it more effective?

In fitness, we fall into this same trap. The complexity of percentage-based training, of Olympic lifting technique, of diversified sets and rep schemes, all of these peak our interest. Being interested is good right?

What happens when complexity catches up to us and our interest fades? When we see the price tag of complexity (what’s up, Tesla?).

At that point, we search for easy. In this connotation, easy is now perceived as ‘lesser than’.

But it isn’t.

Easy is accessible. Easy is ready to go. Easy serves as an amazing starting point.

Easy has longevity. Did you know the Toyota Camry was the most sold car in 2020?

In fitness we aren’t interested in easy. It just doesn’t stimulate our interest quite the same. When the dust settles, easy still stands. Easy gives us a smoother start. Easy is accessible. Easy still gets us to point B.

Isn’t that what matters?

You got this.

Have a great week everyone.
