Imposter Syndrome: How to deal with it


Purposeful Strength Newsletter- 3/9/21- Impostor Syndrome.

My career growth has always been centered around educational opportunities.

As a Personal Trainer, I’ve always found that educating those who hire me was my key to coaching fitness well.

As a Certification Coach for the Parisi Franchise, my job was literally to educate new coaches on the X’s and O’s of the training system.

And every week I sit down to write this newsletter I think about educating those reading it.

As I educate, I grow. That’s how it’s always been and that’s how I hope it always stays.

With this growth, comes one constant. My never ending feelings of impostor syndrome.

For those who have never heard of this phrase, here is a quick Google search.

Impostor syndrome can be defined as a collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evident success.

If you’ve ever had some level of success and felt like you still sucked, didn’t belong, or just down right didn’t deserve it.

First, you’re not alone. Impostor syndrome has literally followed me along every step of my career and unfortunately, I don’t think it’s going anywhere.

I’ve had multiple discussions on this phenomenon with colleagues and mentors and we all have agreed. It’s absolutely amazing that we can work so hard, achieve the success we desire, yet there’s a little voice in our head that always keeps us questioning am I good enough?.

It’s wild. And again, you are not alone.

Here’s the second thing I’d say about impostor syndrome. Tell that little voice in your head to fuck right off.

Use those literal words too.

Here’s the cycle I find myself in.

Work hard.

Achieve success

Wonder if this success if warranted and experience impostor syndrome

Tell that voice to fuck off - seriously use those literal words

Think about all the preparation and work that went into said success.

Continue to kick ass at the next thing.

On a very serious note, it is important to rationalize your achievement. By doing so you can see the steps leading up to the success you’ve experienced.

Did you get a promotion? What did you do in the 6+ months prior that helped you earn it?

Did you lose 15 pounds? What habits did you do consistently that helped you achieve this amazing outcome?

Did you get a speaking opportunity at an industry event?

Did you get a sick bonus at work?

The options are endless. Regardless of what your success is, there was a series of actionable events that lead up to that success coming to fruition.

Think about those actionable steps. Those series of events YOU did. These are things that validate and reiterate to you the ‘why’ behind your achievement.

Don’t forget them. Lean on them when you start to question.

You got this.

Have a great week everyone,
