Should You Wait To Start Your New Years Resolutions?

I'll just start right here by saying that I am a BIG resolution guy.

I actually wrote about them back in July as well. You can check that article out right here if you'd like.

I think that any time a landmark comes around and sparks some fire for change it instantly becomes a catalyst for change.

But here's what I've noticed in 12 years as Personal Trainer…

​People think about their resolutions WELL before the first of the year. I've heard people saying things like "I'm planning on really getting after it in January" or "Ah, yes, my goal of _____ is going to pick up right after the holidays" as early as October!

I think it's awesome.

Any time, seriously, any time someone thinks about or is considering a positive change, it's awesome. It instantly moves you in to the contemplation portion of behavior change (I'll spare you the behavior change science and leave it at that...)

But do you need to wait until the first of the year to start? The obvious answer is no. However we largely wait until 1/1 so that we can 'enjoy' the holiday season (and the food and drinks that come along with it) guilt-free.

I respect that and am currently doing the same!

What I will suggest is this. If you have a resolution, you can break it down into smaller action steps and start building small momentum. Majority of the reason resolutions 'fail' or become uber unreachable is the all-or-nothing approach that comes with them.

"I am going to lose 10 pounds" turns in to a crazy ketogenic restrictive diet that limits food.

"I am going to go to the gym 6 days per week" turns in to "well since I missed a few days this week, I'll start fresh on Monday"

Ah yes, the "I'll start it on Monday" line enters the new year early.

What if you broke down that resolution in to baby steps that you could crush over the holidays?

"I am going to lose 10 pounds" turns in to "I am going to make sure I move at least 7,000 steps per day during the next two weeks". 7,000 steps has been shown to be the movement 'floor' for aiding in weight loss.

"I am going to go to the gym 6 days per week" turns in to "I am going to prioritize 3 workouts a week around all the holiday schedule shenanigans" so that when you want to go more than 3 (because 6 times a week is a hardcore commitment) you'll have already made progress on creating a consistent time block in your schedule.

Resolutions, the 1st of the year, your birthday, really any holiday or landmark that fires you up is an amazing time to start taking action. In the meantime, you don't need to wait, you can make progress, you can take action, and you will set yourself up for more long-term success by doing so.

And that's pretty awesome.

If you want to take action on your resolution, but are struggling to figure out how to find those small steps along the way, I highly encourage you to download Start Here. The first few pages are what I call an 'Action Map'. This worksheet helps you outline your goal, break it down in to strategies, then dissect it further to smaller action steps. At that point all you have to do is pick the easiest action step to implement around the holidays.