Posts in Articles
Create and take action. Even if you have to convince yourself...

As I write this I’m currently six hours past my self imposed deadline of sending this newsletter by 11am. Normally I have this sucker written at some point through the week when the idea comes to fruition, but as life often hands you lemons, this week is far from normal.

As I realized I was past due, my first thought was that I’ve built enough rapport to skip a week.

“Ah, Casey, you’ll catch ‘em next week”.

Had I followed that thought, I know that tomorrow morning I would greet myself with thoughts of disappointment.

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Why Can't It Be Easy?

Sometimes we find ourselves enamored by complexity.

If something is complex it is perceived as intellectual, superior, and in some cases, just plain better.

A Tesla is more complex than a Camry. Is the Tesla better than the Camry? Some might say yes, some might say no. Regardless, both cars can get you from point A to point B. Isn’t that what matters?

Complexity might be sexy, but is it more effective?

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3 Thoughts on Fitness and Nutrition (March Edition)

3 Things meets Purposeful Strength. My favorite crossover. If you’ve been following along, you know sometimes I have a list of ideas that never fully come to fruition and don’t quite get the substance for their own piece.

Thus, the 3 Things was brought in.

3 Things that are in my brain, but don’t quite have the horses in the race. Combined, they make greatness.

Okay, maybe not greatness, but they make a decent newsletter…

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What is a calorie?

What the fuck is a calorie.

Let's start with what Google has to say about it.

Noun. The energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1 °C

Interesting. No reference to food. So where did calories get lumped with food?

Let's ask Google again. Here’s what shows up when you type in “define calorie food”.

A calorie is a unit of energy. When you hear something contains 100 calories, it's a way of describing how much energy your body could get from eating or drinking it.

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Imposter Syndrome: How to deal with it

My career growth has always been centered around educational opportunities.

As a Personal Trainer, I’ve always found that educating those who hire me was my key to coaching fitness well.

As a Certification Coach for the Parisi Franchise, my job was literally to educate new coaches on the X’s and O’s of the training system.

And every week I sit down to write this newsletter I think about educating those reading it.

As I educate, I grow. That’s how it’s always been and that’s how I hope it always stays.

With this growth, comes one constant. My never ending feelings of impostor syndrome.

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2 Truths & 1 Lie: Fitness Style

This weeks’ Purposeful Strength is a game; 2 Truths and a Lie

A classic high school ice-breaker.

Only in this case, there isn’t any ice to break. That makes it better, right?


This 2 truths and a lie format is a great feeder for something much larger I wanted to cover- training myths and misconceptions.

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