5 Fat Loss Principles For Big Time Results

I almost called this “5 Fat Loss Tips That Work” - but the reality behind that title is that the only fat-loss tip that works is to be in a caloric deficit (more on this word below…)

So in an effort to be less click-baity and more useful in your quest to become stronger, more fit, and all in all a healthier version of you....here we are, 5 fat loss principles.

The title is definitely not as sexy, my SEO will hate me, but whatever.

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Avoid this mindset trap in order to take clearer action

Have you ever started planning out your future, only to think about how you’ve handled related tasks in your past?

An example.

You’re a student going into the spring semester and you’re planning ways that you can stay engaged with your school work and studying to ensure you get a desirable GPA. As you start listing out the ways you’re going to achieve this for the upcoming semester, you start to think about why you didn’t execute on these strategies in the fall...you were going to go to the library in the evenings, but joined an intramural soccer team instead...after all, that is good for your health. That study group that met every Thursday afternoon was a great concept, but your new friends were off from class at that same time so you went to the student center with them, because after all, social interactions are important.

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3 Things You Should Learn From A Personal Trainer

Whenever I meet new people, I dread the ‘So, what do you do for work?” question.

I’m not embarrassed by my profession, not in the slightest.

Rather, I find it very hard to portray what it is that I do, exactly. “Personal Trainer” is a job title, it’s not my job description. Like many in my position, I think of myself as a leader, rather than a motivator. I suggest movements that fit the person, rather than jamming my training system down their throat. And last, I find that I teach, rather than I tell.

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Lacking Motivation? Read This.

Motivation is like a pendulum. One moment we are David Goggins infused with Tony Robbins with a side of Jocko Willink. If you don’t recognize any of those names- smash the Google button and search them.

In all seriousness, motivation is not an infinite resource that your body can tap into at will. Motivation is limited, should be used sparingly, and here’s the kicker…

Motivation can not be trusted as the ONLY resource to drive you towards your goal.

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Client Questions & Trainer Answers {Volume 3}

I’ve said it in past newsletters, articles, and podcasts before...client questions are the best questions. When it comes to my role as a Coach, nothing tells me that clients are making progress quite like the questions they ask.

Why questions, you ask?

Questions are a direct result of curiosity. Curiosity towards the unknown OR towards the current feelings or attention they are noticing.

To be even more frank, when someone asks a question, I know they give a shit. And that’s pretty damn cool.

So without further adieu, here are some questions I’ve tackled over the last few weeks.

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Building Your Home Gym with a $200 Budget {{Free Download}}

As any reader of Purposeful Strength knows, the best articles to write answer the questions of the people.

So here we are. Well kind of. I wanted to make this build out a little different. I wanted to set a price cap on this gym build. I live in a pretty outdoorsy state (Vermont) and a lot of people find their fitness in the mountains, side walks, parks, and the slopes (when there is snow). So this article really features building a gym for $200.

Yep, lean baby, lean.

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