5 Fat Loss Principles For Big Time Results

I almost called this “5 Fat Loss Tips That Work” - but the reality behind that title is that the only fat-loss tip that works is to be in a caloric deficit (more on this word below…)

So in an effort to be less click-baity and more useful in your quest to become stronger, more fit, and all in all a healthier version of you....here we are, 5 fat loss principles. 

The title is definitely not as sexy, my SEO will hate me, but whatever. 

Principle 1: Learn what a calorie deficit is...for YOU. 

A calorie deficit refers to any number that is UNDER your daily calorie needs. Your daily calories are calculated off of a variety of factors...mainly, how many steps you move, how often you perform structured exercise, your sleep, and your stress. 

A quick aside- because your daily calorie needs take in to account your activity level, you do not need to ‘eat back’ the calories you burn during exercise…

The easiest way to calculate your calorie deficit is to multiply your GOAL weight (the weight you want to weigh) by 12…For example, if my goal weight is 175 I would multiply 175 by 12 and come up with my calorie deficit of 2100 calories. 

Pro tip- Aim to eat that amount of calories for 5-7 days and document how you feel. It’s not unheard of to modify your deficit number based on how you feel on a day to day basis. 

Pro tip number 2- If your goal weight is more than 10 pounds away from your current weight, set a goal weight that is 10-15 pounds less than your current weight and use that weight until you reach it, then lower your goal weight and go from there. This process is way more enjoyable…

Principle 2: Weigh daily for 30 days, but only track weekly

A lot of fitness professionals will tell you the scale is just a number and that it doesn’t matter. I like to think that the scale is a tool, and it should be used as just that...a tool. By weighing every day you can create an appreciation and gauge how your body fluctuates on a daily basis.

The key with daily weigh-ins is to choose 1 day a week that you ‘track’ for progress. This way you can appreciate the daily changes, but still have a consistent progress marker. 

Pro tip- you could also take your daily weigh ins, average them over a 7 day weekly span, and use your average weight week to week as a measure.

Principle 3: Aim to lose .5 to 1 pound a week

You may lose more, especially from the start, and you may lose less, especially as your fat loss process goes on over time. However, if you set your expectations of .5 a week, you have something that is realistic and more importantly, a rate of fat loss that doesn’t completely alter your life...the last piece being the most important piece to fat loss that people often ignore. 

Principle 4: Prioritize protein at every meal. 

Protein has a bunch of benefits during fat loss. It helps you feel full and it preserves lean muscle mass. Super important. 

When going for snacks and meals, think protein first, your body will thank you. 

Pro tip- there is much ado about how much protein to eat. Aim for 1 gram per pound of your goal weight. Using my goal weight of 175 pounds, that would make 175 grams of daily protein my goal. 

Principle 5: Move 8,000-12,000 steps per day. 

This seems super simple and obvious...moving more helps with fat loss...but it’s more than that. The calorie deficit alone will move the scale. The increase in total steps has a physiological effect on the body, can help with body composition, and walking has a ton of amazing health benefits. 

The under appreciated benefit? Increasing activity helps keep the weight OFF when it’s time to come out of a fat loss cycle. 

A quick review… 

  1. Calculate your calorie deficit

  2. Weigh daily, track weekly

  3. .5 pounds a week is an amazing target fat loss

  4. Eat your protein!

  5. 8-12kn steps. 

Simple principles that yield amazing results!