14 Lessons in 14 Years Working In A Health Club

Over the past 14 years, since I was 18 years old, I have worked at a health club. At the end of this week I will be transitioning out of the club and starting a new position with a company called The Parisi Speed School as their Director of Coaching and Education. This is an amazing position that allows me to work closely with some of the smartest minds in sports performance, develop education for the entire Parisi coaching network, and most importantly, allow me to be at home a hell of a lot more than I currently am.

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Set better goals by adding these 2 things...

I try to stay positive when it comes to fitness and coaching people with their fitness. But there is one area in particular where people lag.

Good goals.

Now, don’t read this the wrong way. Just because a goal isn’t ‘good’, doesn’t mean it’s ‘bad’. In the case that I am referring to, the majority of the goals I talk to people about lack specific outcomes.

Broad goals aren’t good goals.

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5 things you need to do, to stop sabotaging your fitness and nutrition progress.

I recently logged in to my website to write and was blown away to see that my list of 32 lessons learned in 32 years became the most read article on my website.

If you missed that sucker, click here to check it out. And if you read it, a huge thank you for checking it out!

In an effort to give the people more of what they want, I’m going full list-mode in this week's newsletter to itemize the five things you need to do, to stop sabotaging your fitness and nutrition progress.

Sounds good? Cool. Let's rip it.

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3 Thoughts on Fitness & Nutrition (August Edition)

It’s that time again. Every month I look at my list of topics, ideas, and thoughts and see what didn’t have the horsepower to materialize into its own blog or newsletter. It’s not to say these three things are any less, they might even be more impactful in a short tense.

Either way, I’ll let you decide that. Here are 3 Things that have been bouncing around my head for the past month...


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Inputs vs. Outputs: What matters in your nutrition, fitness, and health?

Wearable technology, Usage apps, live time streaming, and even food and nutrition apps all have categories that itemize and register your projected exercise outputs. As all of these avenue’s have become more and more popular (what up, COVID) I’ve noticed a dramatic shift in the attention to what these devices and platforms are telling you.

“Why was my calorie output lower today from the same workout I had last week when it was 150 calories higher?”

“{insert nutrition logging app here} told me my 40 minute workout burned 300 calories, should I eat extra today?”

“My apple watch had my highest movement score, but why is the scale not moving?”

The above are examples of questions I get, from friends, family, clients, and social media acquaintances alike. Don’t get me wrong when I say this, they’re all awesome questions, and I want these questions. But the answer typically pisses people off.

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A Birthday List: 32 Lessons in Fitness and Nutrition

Normally I’m not a birthday guy. However, since the birth of my daughter, I now have a 2 and a half year old cheerleader who hypes me up for any and every holiday or event that happens.

Shout out to Sauce… it’s nice having a cheerleader…

So NOW I’m a birthday guy. In honor of turning the big 3-2, I wanted to create a list of 32 thoughts geared towards fitness and nutrition. Some are short, some are long. Some are factual with real science behind them, and some are anecdotal n=1 from 32 years of life.

Without further adieu…

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