3 Thoughts on Fitness and Nutrition (May Edition)

It’s that time again. Time to dive into the notes app on my phone and pull out the 3 things that didn’t have the horsepower to become a full blown newsletter article.

The review on these 3 things are typically positive and they definitely offer some food for thought.

Without further adieu, May’s 3 things…

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The Most Important Goal

As you can tell by the sporadic send times of this newsletter, my routine has been in flux. This feeling is something 100% of the people reading this can relate with.

When your routine changes, when the day to day or week to week sequencing of events starts to be altered, we often try to hold on to the normalcy of events.

When your once productive time at work is replaced with meetings, when your lunch time or post-work gym session is replaced with a new family event. When you no longer can fit the morning workout in. The schedule flips, but it’s all event driven.

I think you get my point here.

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3 Thoughts on Fitness & Nutrition (April Edition)

It’s that time again...that time where the 3 Things meets Purposeful Strength. That time where I look at my list of writing topics and see what never quite materialized into a full blown write up.

Without dragging this along, here are the 3 Things I’ve been thinking about in April.

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Create and take action. Even if you have to convince yourself...

As I write this I’m currently six hours past my self imposed deadline of sending this newsletter by 11am. Normally I have this sucker written at some point through the week when the idea comes to fruition, but as life often hands you lemons, this week is far from normal.

As I realized I was past due, my first thought was that I’ve built enough rapport to skip a week.

“Ah, Casey, you’ll catch ‘em next week”.

Had I followed that thought, I know that tomorrow morning I would greet myself with thoughts of disappointment.

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Nutrition and Fitness Hacks You Need To Know

Remember in 2017 when ‘hack’ culture was the thing?

It probably span’s earlier than 2017, but that is when I can distinctly remember websites like Buzzfeed announcing “3 ways to hack your ____”.

Huge publications like Men’s Health proclaiming their article containing “15 ways to hack your health” was absolutely worth the 5 minute read.

As with any claim to ‘hack’, I think of two things.

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