The Biggest Mistake I've Made as a Personal Trainer

My favorite part about working as a personal trainer is the excitement individuals have when they first start working with me.

It’s amazing.

I even remember my first day working with Diane, a retired Nurse, who came in to her first workout with brand new sneakers.

Seriously, seeing people get fired up about improving their health is contagious. It’s my favorite party of the gig, for sure.

It took a few years to realize but that excitement was also my greatest mistake.

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Rest, Rep Ranges, and Soreness- Client Questions Answered!

I wanted to write this week and answer three really good questions asked by personal training clients over the last few weekly check-ins.

I always like covering these questions because, well, if clients are asking I'm sure more people are wondering the same thing!

If you're interested in checking out past editions of articles like this, you can check them out

Here and Here.

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Chasing your first push up? Try these!

A common goal for both male and female personal training clients is that they want to improve their push up ability.

For some, that means getting their first push up. For others, that can mean doing X push ups in 1 minute.

It all varies.

Whether you are chasing your first push up OR looking to improve on your ability to do push ups, here is the process I use with both my in person and online personal training clients.

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Thoughts On Posture + A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!

A few Friday’s ago I had the pleasure of joining in on an educational webinar about the shoulder.

Riveting Friday afternoon, right?

The Doctor who was giving the lecture said something that I thought was really eye-opening and immediately made me think of all of us gym-goer's who workout, but also work a routine day job, which probably has us sitting more times than not.

When she got to the spine, as it relates to the shoulder, she informed that the spine is one of the only joint structures in the body that has to move all over the place - rotation, side to side, front and back - BUT is not responsible for initiating that movement.

*Low key, my mind was blown. I had never pieced that together*

But what does this mean for you?

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