Posts in Articles
22 Thoughts on Fitness for 2022

January serves as a time where I like to sit back and see what comes up in the fitness and nutrition world(s)… what questions get asked, and what curiosity shows up among my group of online coaching clients and friends.

I LOVE client questions (and reader questions!), as you know from past articles like this one or this one...they really help get the wheels turning.

Since there tends to be a lot of common themes, I wanted to write down a list of 22 thoughts surrounding fitness and nutrition that tend to answer a lot of these questions. Some of these thoughts are future predictions for 2022, some might feel like I am beating a dead horse (but definitely worth repeating). All in all, I think this list will help get your gears turning.

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{Guest Post}- My Muscle Did What?

I'm tapping out and subbing in the big guns again this week!

My dude, my Doctor, my preferred Physical Therapist for all things health, Doctor Dan Ellis wrote a gem of a piece for us all this week.

Fun fact about Dan...I have him listed as my General Physician for everything in my life...seriously, I see him for everything...

I asked Dan to write about all the over-complicated words and phrases that are often heard in a rehabilitation setting.

Dan didn't disappoint!

I think you are going to learn a lot from his piece and I hope it helps you in the future when navigating aches and pains!

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A Carpenter's Tale of Mastery

Ah, the second full week of January. What a magical time of year, right?

New Years Resolutions have been set...

You're starting to feel removed from the holiday craziness...

Just in time for the cold cruel reality to set in that the goal(s) you set for yourself are a challenge.

At least, they should feel like a challenge...seriously, they should be hard!

In this week's newsletter I wanted to offer you some indirect wisdom as it pertains to achieving your desired outcome.

I wrote this article back in July of 2016 on I had spent a few days helping my Dad build a big-ass deck and got completely worked over at how bad I was at swinging a hammer (really, doing anything construction related just isn't my forte), but after being coached up, I was at least serviceable.

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{Guest Post}- 5 Tips For Time-Crunched Lifters

“We all have the same 24 hours in the day.” I never really understood the absurdity of this statement until I started my own business and became a dad. Often spouted by smug trainers in an attempt to shame clients into making more time for exercise, this misguided retort forgets a key fact: while we all abide by the same 24 hour clock, we do NOT all have the same responsibilities in a 24-hour period.

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Should You Wait To Start Your New Years Resolutions?

I'll just start right here by saying that I am a BIG resolution guy.

I actually wrote about them back in July as well. You can check that article out right here if you'd like.

I think that any time a landmark comes around and sparks some fire for change it instantly becomes a catalyst for change.

But here's what I've noticed in 12 years as Personal Trainer…

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{Guest Post}- Life Lessons Powerlifting Has Taught Me

I've got my third, and probably final week of paternity leave covered by a gentleman that I used to Coach!

Total full-circle moment here. Love it.

Chaz Maclay is a native of northern Vermont. He's an Exercise Science major at Northern Vermont University (nerd alert) and a savage of a human being competitive powerlifter with multiple state, regional, universe, national records.

As his once-upon-a-time Coach, I take full credit.

Kidding, kidding.

But really, Chaz has worked incredibly hard to get to where he is now, has earned his success, and I am honored (and thankful) that he reached out with an awesome guest post for us all this week.

Thanks Chaz!

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