Posts in Articles
3 Commandments To Avoid Gym Injury

Training people with 'Body Baggage' is kind of my thing.

I've had the privilege of working with individuals who have had joint replacements, old and outdated surgical procedures, strains and sprains, and of course the "it only hurts when I do ____" folks.

Through hundreds of training sessions there have been 3 major commonalities. These traits have become the 7 commandments that have helped guide me through pain-free training sessions and hopefully after reading this article, will help you rethink and navigate your own training to alleviate your "body baggage".

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ArticlesCasey LeeComment
Hip Popping? Use this in your next workout!

"My hip pops during ab that normal?"

This is a question that I get asked every month. My rule of thumb is when a question surfaces with more than one of my personal training clients, then it probably would make a decent article on my website or newsletter for lovely humans such as yourself.

So your hip pops...normal? No. Common? Yes.

Does that answer help? Absolutely not.

From a Personal Trainer's point of view, if it pops and it doesn't hurt, business as usual. If the popping is persistent with each rep, you should probably ditch that exercise (for now) and find something that is a little bit more comfortable.

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ArticlesCasey LeeComment
Achy, sore shoulders? Try these pressing variations for strong shoulders!

I've been on a body baggage binge as of late.

Body baggage is a term I use to describe the everyday aches and pains we get. Sometimes these aches are from past injuries. Sometimes they're just from sleeping the wrong way the night before...

If you know, you know.

Regardless of how the baggage arrives, I'm ready to tackle it. Hands down the number 1 thing that I do as a Personal Trainer is find ways for people to work out, even when their bodies say no.

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