3 Things I Did Differently (In My Own Training) In 2024
2024 isn’t done yet, but as the calendar turns to December…and I just placed my order or a 2025 daily planner…I can’t help but get a little reflective on the past 12 or so months.
I very rarely write about my own training - however, I do plan on sharing more about it on my website and on social media going in 2025- but I do get asked what my workouts look like on occasion and thought it would be fun to write about.
So alas, here we are. Three things I changed in 2024 within my own workouts…
1) I paid way more attention to the intensity of the workouts
Specifically, I really focused on making the hard workouts hard and the easy workouts easy. I know it sounds obvious but it’s actually pretty often overlooked. Don't we want all workouts to kick ass? Yeah, I think we do, but it’s okay to have a kick ass easy workout, especially if it means you can have a kick ass hard workout a few days later. This strategy really helped me match my workout effort to ‘hard’ or ‘easy’ work/life days and just made working out more enjoyable knowing I didn’t have to kick my own ass every day.
2) I managed psychological stress
As I write this I have done a structured workout out in 111 of the past 113 days. I workout damn near every day and am 100% able to do this because of point number 1 on this list, but also because I do a lot of work to manage the psychologicial stressors in my life. I work with a great Therapist/Mental Skills Coach who is worth her weight in gold. What working out 111/113 days has taught me is that the stress we carry between the ears is way more impactful to our body than the metabolic stress we put on it in the gym. Get your mind right, get your body right…or something like that.
And last on the list, but never least,
3) I followed a structured program for every workout.
I have written about my work with a Trainer in the past, but seriously, having a plan is critical to long term success. I removed all decision fatigue, took away any guessing, and had a sounding board for any questions or concerns that come up related to my training. Most think working with a Trainer is huge for accountability, but I think it’s huge for making fitness achievable by having to work less hard on all of the things surrounding the workout so that you can focus on the workout itself.
Interested in learning more about my personal training options? Fill out the form below and I’ll reach out within 24 hours to learn more about your goals!