Strength AND Mobility...Here's How You Do BOTH

Confession. I don't 'follow' a lot of other Personal Trainers. When it comes to social media, I don't particularly care to see what other trainers put out, what their gyms do, or the info that they share.

Not that it's bad information, sometimes it's really good.

I am just too close to the information. When I see other Personal Trainers talking about how to craft the 'best' workout...or what exercise helps achieve (insert body part here)...or any of those buzzy topics, I just know that there is typically so much context that can't get shared through social media that I just tune out.

So, I take to my newsletter where I have your attention for 60 seconds (instead of the 2 seconds on social...)

I recently saw a Trainer say that 'Fitness isn't hard'...all you have to do is...

-Strength train 3x a week

-Do mobility work 4x a week

-Cardio 3-5x a week

When I look at that all I do is think "how does that work over a 7 day week?" And I think that many people have the same thought.

So, here is how I make it work for myself and ​my clients​.

95% of my workouts follow this order...

Perform 3 moves in a row...

First move is a lower body strength movement...something like a ​squat​ or ​RDL​ come to mind.

Second move is an upper body strength move..​.Z press​ or ​3 point row​, for example.

Movement three is a mobility based movement that targets an area of need for my client. For most people, this is something around the hips, like this ​straight leg hamstring extension​ OR their upper back. This​ t-spine can opener​ variation is popular.

I do this 3 move format 3 times over in a workout...This gives my clients 9 total moves (plus a mobility based warm up) for the duration of the workout. Of those 3 movements, they train 3 lower body movements, 3 upper body movements, and 3 mobility movements. This is what we in the fitness biz call a 'total body' workout and it's pretty great if you are training 2-3 times a week.

It isn't the most groundbreaking information but what I will say is that it might be the most clarifying fitness information you'll see in 2024.

Looking for clarify in your own workouts? I am always accepting new personal training clients- both in person and online. Take 10 seconds and fill out the form below and I will be in touch to talk more about my coaching options and if they would be a good fit for your goals!

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