3 Lower Body Movements For a Pain-Free Workout

This past summer I celebrated my 35th birthday. With this turn around the sun brings the completion of my 15th year as a Personal Trainer. Not only am I stoked to have made it 15 years in the same profession, 15 years of 'practice' has taught me a very valuable skill.

Helping people workout around their pain points, or 'body baggage', as I so affectionately call it.

One of the biggest culprits? Sore knees! Whether it's from a botched knee surgery in the 80s or 90s, something 'crunchy' from an old injury, or just plain 'ol achey knees, sore knees can be a major deterrent from wanting to exercise and exercising well.

So without further adieu, here are the 3 'go-to' lower body movements I use with my clients that have sore knees.

1) Hip Thrust.

This movement has been glorified by all booty building gym-goer's, but more importantly, it does do a good job saving both the knees and lower back.

Why I use it? The ground keeps the knee bend from getting too excessive, and I can adjust the weight being used. From bodyweight, to dumbbells, to a weight plate, or a barbell...there are plenty of loading options that can match the skill and goal of the person working out.

PS- make sure to click the video, it's a full 15 minute break down of how I coach the movement.

2) Constant Tension Lateral Lunges.

This is a personal favorite. First, you get some great mobility and stretching through the hips. Second, you get some awesome strength work for your lower body. The side to side movement keeps the ankles and feet at bay, which can be the culprit of some unwanted knee pain.

3) Goblet Squat to a Box.

Sometimes the easiest 'corrective' is to limit the range of motion...specifically, working only in a pain-free range of motion. There is nothing wrong with shortening the working range temporarily while you work on fixing the main problem. More times than not working through 'body baggage' is about surviving the workout rather than winning the workout. Get in, get out, and leave the workout no worse than when you started. This is how you maintain consistency!

My question for you- what body baggage do you have? I'd love to hear how I can help. Click the comment button below and let me know!

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