Fit Tip Friday- Try These 3 Movements If Squatting Hurts Your Knees

In last weeks Fit Tip Friday I covered the best way to utilize push ups from you knees. One of the readers was so kind to reach out through Instagram and ask a similar question- I can't believe this didn't make it on my Mt.Rushmore of client questions...

"Great push up tip, whatcha got for squatting with sore knees?"

Challenge accepted.

Before I dive in to the 3 alternatives to squats that both my clients and I enjoy, I wanted to just chime in and say that if squatting bugs your knees, there could be a variety of reasons for this- it could be worth it to see a local Physical Therapist. Another good movement to troubleshoot your squat with is this high-tension variation.

But enough of that, here are my 3 go-to's for those wanting to switch it up from squats...make sure to click on the title of each movement to view the full coaching video in YouTube.

1) Step ups

With step ups, aim to use a box that is about mid-shin height. This will target your quads and keep your hips out of the way. Less of one joint, more of a other, little easier to perform.

2) Stability ball hamstring curls

Not the same primary muscles as squatting, but for clients that have banged up lower bodies - knees, hips, ankles- this has always been a very friendly variation.

PS- if you want to spice it up a little bit, try this isometric hold variation.

3) Constant tension lateral lunges

I personally LOVE these and tend to be a movement that my clients enjoy as both part of their warm up or at the end of workouts...simply put, there isn't a lot of brain power that goes in to this movement and often times that is well received. Space your feet out shoulder-width apart and work side to side, no stepping required!

If you have any gym-related questions, I am going to leave the comments open on this article -let me know! I am always happy to answer and share more information.

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