Vermont Personal Trainer Specializing in Private 1-on-1 Fitness Coaching

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Nutrition and Fitness Hacks You Need To Know

The only way to ‘hack’ your fitness and nutrition goals.

Remember in 2017 when ‘hack’ culture was the thing?

It probably span’s earlier than 2017, but that is when I can distinctly remember websites like Buzzfeed announcing “3 ways to hack your ____”.

Huge publications like Men’s Health proclaiming their article containing “15 ways to hack your health” was absolutely worth the 5 minute read.

As with any claim to ‘hack’, I think of two things.

First, do you even want to ‘hack’?

Yes that sentence reads funny...but think about it. When it comes to your health, and areas of your health, such as fitness and nutrition, why would you want to take the short way out?

To save time? To save energy? Maybe, but your health is something you have for 80-100 years. There is nothing short or time saving about 8+ decades of living. What I am getting at is that you have time. You may want it now, but you’ve got some serious time ahead of you. Don’t hack it, put in some effort.

If you’ve been reading Purposeful Strength for a while then you know I’m all about saving time and energy by building and maintaining habits that help in those areas. However even the most dialed in habit is far from a ‘hack’ towards reaching better health.

This brings me to point number two and builds off last week's Purposeful Strength. If you want a TRUE hack to your health, a real ‘can’t miss’, you’ve got to make it simple. Whatever nutritional or fitness concept you want to hack, all you have to do is boil it down to the most simplest form. At that point it has become SO simple that you’re able to do it whenever you want, every day.

Want to get stronger? Do 10 squats and 10 push ups after every trip to the bathroom.

Want to drink more water? Leave a glass of water in the fridge and drink it every time you open the door.

Want to eat more spinach? Buy the biggest bag you can at the grocery store so that you have more spinach on hand.

Reading those three examples above might not excite you- probably the lack of headline you don’t see that says ‘5 surefire ways to get a 6 pack in 10 days’. Those headlines are lies. The examples above are real-life hacks. The most simplest action, paired with longevity, that will bring you closer to your goals.

You can’t hack effort. You can only pair effort with simple tasks that can be executed every day. That’s how you achieve the results you want.

You got this.

Have a great week everyone,


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