3 Things you can do to make your staff meetings not suck


Last week I had the pleasure of delivering a webinar for the Parisi Speed School training network on delivering better staff meetings.

Not the sexiest of topics…

However, we’ve all been there…in those meetings and either wondered 1) why am I here? 2) Hold on I actually want to talk about this topic, or my favorite, 3) I could have read this in an email.

Yeah…me too.

SO, I decided to give a webinar about it. You can check out the full slide deck right here

Here are 3 quick thoughts to expand on this powerpoint…

1) Make your meeting a meeting…

What constitutes your meeting? For real…think about what your meeting should be. For our facility, a meeting is strictly operational. We talk facility updates, programs starting/ending, time off requests, reflect on our current systems, and make changes as a team.

We DO NOT talk about program design, coaching cues, training applications, or continuing education events. We reserve those for our coaching in-service sessions which are 100% not staff meetings.

So I ask, is your meeting a meeting?

2) Invite only the people who need to be there…

Seriously. How many times have you rolled in to a meeting and thought “why is ____ here?” or maybe YOU’VE been the person who should be elsewhere. Make sure your meetings have people who actually need to be in the room. Interns? Other departments in your health club? The nutritionist in your facility? The PTs? Do they REALLY need to be there?

Cut the clutter- invite only.

3) Fill in the gaps…

Private 1on1’s, quarterly planning sessions, email recaps, mid-week email notes…set up fillers that keep the communication relevant for your team but also doesn’t take away from your valuable face to face time.