3 Things Other People Write- Volume 2


Happy Fri-yay! After another great week, the learning never stops! Below are three things that I’ve read or listened to that made an impact on my thoughts and actions!

On Business….

Following up on my post yesterday about staff meetings (check out the slide deck and info here)…the Harvard Business Review shared this great article that builds on some of my points and highlights a few others. I definitely plan on retooling our meetings a little bit going in to 2019 and this article has helped shape that process…

On Training/Coaching…

If you’ve never heard of Brett Bartholomew then it’s time to crawl out from under your rock…Brett has been a Coach I’ve followed and learned from since his days at API/EXOS…he puts out amazing content, and his writing is extremely thought provoking. He shared this article on Medium this week and it’s definitely worth a read.

On Nothing Fitness Related…

Admittedly I am not the biggest Game of Thrones fan…however, my Wife is and I’ve seen almost every episode because of her die hard fandom. When Vegas published the odds of who will rule the world at the end of the world the final season, I had to get in on it.

FYI- there’s no shot Jon Snow makes it. I mean, he’s already died once, right?


Who ya got?