L.A.B. Fitness Professional Networking & Growth Seminar

Last month I had the opportunity to present at the Leadership Accountability and Business (LAB) Fall Seminar. My best friend John Moljo is one of the Co-Founders along with Neil Snyder, a former Equinox Training Director (who's staff grossed 6 million a year in training sales- wowza!) , these two held a great event with about 15 attendee's. With the topics ranging from delivering a badass initial consultation and the conversations that need to happen on day 1 all the way to knowing when the time is right to open your own space.

I presented on a topic that I find to be fascinating- intrapreneurship. More specifically, how to thrive within a corporate gym setting. Working for the largest health club in Vermont as well as the Parisi Speed School franchise, many would see this as a career death trap, I disagree. 

Here is the link to my presentation slides. I hope they offer value to those who may need a spark!