Vermont Personal Trainer Specializing in Private 1-on-1 Fitness Coaching

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Success Is Your Own

The following is a ‘reair’ of my Purposeful Strength weekly newsletter from Tuesday February 2nd. This one received some awesome feedback and helped reinforce why I write P.S. every week.

If you’d like to join in and get fresh editions every week (they drop Tuesday’s at 11am), throw your information at the form box on the bottom of this page.

Thanks for reading…I hope you enjoy.

Success is your own

Success. A noun. Defined as ‘the accomplishment of an aim or purpose’.

To many, success is a unique experience.

Success in the workplace, with our peers and colleagues, means something different between you and I.

Success at home, with our loved ones, means something different between you and I.

Success as a parent, with our children, means something different between you and I.

Any way you spin it, success is a result, the result of action.

If you’ve been a part of Purposeful Strength from the beginning, first, thank you.

Second, you know I write alot about taking action, more so, how to create action for yourself.

This week I want to pigeon hole it a little further.

Specific action.

Success is the result of specific action.

How great that action is, is unique to you and what your aim of accomplishment is.

In April 2020, I was given a challenge by my Coach at the time, Todd Bumgardener. Todd challenged me in the midst of a global pandemic that if I wanted 2020 to be washed away, to let it.

If I wanted 2020 to be the year that changed my life, attack it.

He challenged me to seek success.

How was I to do that? Gyms were shut down. Clients were getting laid off. I went from full time Personal Trainer to full time stay at home Dad.

Todd said to me “Casey, if you want success you have to do two things. The first thing is to find the person who has the tools and skills you need to gather in order to be successful and ask to learn from them. The second thing you need to do is find the person who can help you unlock your success.”

Seemed easy enough. Find my Master Yoda and learn. Find my R2D2 who has the map of the galaxy.

If you’ve never watched Star Wars and don’t understand that reference, I’m sorry your childhood sucked.

Stay with me here.

What I needed to do was take specific action. Specifically, I needed to take specific action twice over.

So I did. Was it comfortable? No. Was it worth it? Yes.

So my challenge for you is this.

What is your current aim? What does success look like?

Who can provide you with the skills needed?

Who can help unlock that success?

Answer those questions and I know you’ll find success in your own galaxy.

And go watch Star Wars. It’s awesome.

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