3 Underappreciated Exercises (TRY THESE!)

No fancy intro this week, just right to the point.

Over time we forget about exercises and I am here to remind you of these three!

For your legs...Front foot elevated split squats!

These are an amazing split squat variation that torches your quads and can really hammer the glutes as well. You don't need much of an elevation, either...most of my training clients have success by just flipping over a weight plate and using that to get their lead foot up in the air.

For your arms... Flexed arm hangs!

Most people see this as a chin up variation (which it is...) BUT, if you switch your view point a little bit, you are doing a huge isometric bicep curl. I bet your body weighs more than the dumbbells you use for core as well!

Trainer tip- start with one max hang for time...then do multiple sets of of about 75% of that. Example. If you can hang for 10 seconds in one set...cut that time back to about 7 seconds for multiple sets.

For your core... Standing Windmills

I love weighted core exercises. This movement pairs both core and upper body training, with a twist of mobility. I like doing these both in my warm up, or even as a cluster-based movement after each exercise I do in my workout...(Literally do 1-3 reps on each side after every exercise you do in a workout)

Trainer tip- because this also twilights as a mobility movement, keep the weights pretty light to start. Whatever you would use for a dumbbell shoulder raise is a great starting weight for this.

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