Vermont Personal Trainer Specializing in Private 1-on-1 Fitness Coaching

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Making The Switch to Semi-Private Coaching Part 1

Two weeks ago we launched a new program at our Parisi Speed School called PEAK90. What makes PEAK90 special is that it is structured in a semi-private format. Meaning, we have groups of 2-5 athletes training simultaneously with individualized programming. What also makes this program so special is that none of our staff, including myself, have extensive experience coaching under this format.

 Insert pushed comfort zone here...yikes

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Lucky for us, we did a few things really well prior to launching PEAK that helped us make the transition to coaching in a semi-private format. We also went through a few bumps that had to be flattened out. In this article I want to highlight some of the good things we’ve done and next week talk about some of the aches and pains that come with launching PEAK. All in all the last two weeks have been a huge success and I am excited to share my experiences with you all!

1. We systematized the entire program

During the planning phase of PEAK90 it was very evident that if we wanted this program to be successful in the long term we needed to make sure that we mapped out every detail to ensure a repeatable (or as close to repeatable as we could get) client experience. We planned every last detail from the program description, how to explain and execute the assessment, creating a programming template to make sure each athlete received content in the same format, making sure each coach knew where to stand on the training floor, and we even planned out the flow of each session down to the minute. This process may seem daunting, but was actually a lot of fun. Systematizing this program allowed each coach on staff to have a clear understanding of what PEAK is, what it is not, and how to handle any challenges that may arise.

2. We created a (new) detailed assessment and program orientation.

Because this was a new program, it was very important for us to differentiate it from our current offerings. We wanted everything about PEAK90 to look, taste, and feel different so that when prospective athletes came into the program, the experience matched their preconceived expectations. For us, it started with the assessment protocol. We implemented the Functional Movement System and Foundational Capacity Screen to help us gather a snapshot of the individual’s movement patterns and motor control. We chose these two systems because they were exactly that - systems. The systematized approach of the FMS and FCS matched perfectly with the systematized approach PEAK90 needed to be. This made teaching our staff the two screens easy because the content was readily available. Most importantly, the FMS and FCS made our assessment consistent between coaches, again, so we could better deliver a repeatable client experience.

3. We held staff training twice a week for two months prior to launching the program.

This was hands down the most important part of our pre-launch. Often disrespected in system creation is the ability to scale your system. We trained as a staff for over 35 hours to ensure that everyone knew the in’s and out’s of PEAK90. We actually pushed back the start date of PEAK because we didn’t feel 100% ready for the roll out process.

I could write another 5000 words on why THAT was the best decision we made in our pre-launch...

 We discussed our programming template in amazing detail, we brought in athletes to demo our assessment protocol, and most importantly we had intimate discussions as a team where we talked about what needed to happen in order to make this system truly a system. We is always greater than me. Getting the staff involved early and often created buy-in, the most critical component to long term success in any business. 

Do me a favor and re-read the last sentence...

 4. We clearly presented athlete expectations at the assessment and again at the point of sale.

With PEAK90 being a new program and following a new format, we had to be sensitive to the fact that our clientele may not be familiar with a semi-private training. To combat this we made sure that as part of the assessment process we took the time to explain the differences between private and semi-private training. We also went as far as laying out what we expect from our athletes and what the athlete can expect from us. Then we took it one more step and reiterated these points again at the point of sale. This has worked VERY well and has been a key factor to our success over the last two weeks. It also spawned my last point below.

 5. We have an awesome training environment.

This is a ‘proud coach’ moment. Our training environment is outstanding. At some point I will write an entire piece about some of the factors that have created this environment. For the purpose of this article the four bullet points above have been massive contributors to a great training environment. PEAK90 was clearly outlined, our coaching staff was working as one synchronized team, the assessment protocol was laid out, and the facility/athlete expectations were explained from the start. The sum of all these factors equaled a room full of athletes and coaches who were prepared to learn, teach, and train! Everyone knew what was expected on both ends of the spectrum.

 The perfect storm for great energy and a successful start!