3 Things: On Hiring new Coaches

I've been at my facility for almost 7 years. Through those 7 years I have watched over a dozen Coaches/Trainers come and go, and never really 'stick' with our staff, or training environment. 

When I took over our program earlier this year, I dreaded the idea of hiring new Coaches for fear that they 1) would have massive ego 2) not fit with the culture myself and the existing staff were trying to build 3) struggle coaching a youth population. 

Flash forward - our program has grown significantly over the last 5 months and I've had to face those fears twice. Both new-hires have been absolute rock stars and here are 3 reasons why...

1) My fears were projecting in to the hiring process

If you re-read my list of fears above, all those reasons are a product of MY OWN fears. I was in a self fulfilling prophecy before a prospective Coach was walking in to the building. What I quickly learned was that if I could create (as best I could) a list of expectations, guide lines, and code of values, a new Coach would come in to the facility with a better understanding of what we look for. 

The bottom line is I was unprepared to hire and develop a new Coach. Improving on our hiring system, as well as myself as the Director, helped implement our two new hires pretty smoothly. 

2) I didn't interview either new hire

The number one thing I pride myself on is managing a facility with a kick ass training environment for our clients. Working with a youth population from ages 5-18, I strive every day to make our facility a place kids WANT to come to, not something they HAVE to come to because they know it's 'good for them'.  When it came to bringing in a new personality I was petrified at what might happen. 

The easy answer was right in front of me. I now have our existing coaching staff interview potential new hires. The reality is, it isn't MY choice who comes in and out. That responsibility belongs to ALL of us. When it came to offering our intern a position with us, I gave my case as to why we have the need for a new coach and then asked each staff member WHO they thought would be the best fit. Every Coach wanted to offer our intern (yay!). This helps me know the staff is bought in and is more willing to help BLEND a new personality in to our training environment.


3) "Avoid hiring clones"

This is some advice I took from Pete Dupuis at Cressey Sports Performance (Hudson, MA). He's always suggested that within a coaching staff it is most valuable to have a variety of skill sets, attitudes, training backgrounds, etc. I took this advice to heart.

When our facility is considering bringing on a new Coach, we evaluate which direction we want to take our facility. We now have Coaches with a collegiate/large group background, golf specific training, endurance runners, and a complimentary skill set in an Athletic Trainer.

This helps alleviate any nervousness existing staff may have about 'losing business' to a new Coach and brings fresh perspective and skills to your training floor.