Posts tagged new year resolution
{Guest Post}- Working With A Trainer? Here's What You Need To Know

​January 2022 is a huge for fitness. Lots of people are looking to achieve new goals, revisit past goals, and take action on goals for the now. And for some, you may consider employing someone to help you achieve those goals.

(If you want to check out a past article on why New Years Resolutions kick ass, click here)

This week I have a guest post from a friend of mine, Kyle Harper. Kyle is Personal Trainer and Program Director of a Parisi Speed School down in Texas. He so graciously sent me this amazing article to share with you all on what to expect when you start working with a Personal Trainer for the first time.

Kyle brings up lots of good points. Many think that working with a Personal Trainer is just about getting shit pumped during each workout and I can assure you, it's so far from that.

With that, I am going to let Kyle take it over from here!

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