Vermont Personal Trainer Specializing in Private 1-on-1 Fitness Coaching

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Start Here...Let Me Tell You Why

The long time readers of this website may remember it as Originally planned as a living resume of my work, this website was designed to help land more speaking engagements.

And you know what, it worked! In the first year of I had five public speaking events.

What a success, right?

Not so fast.

You see, at this point in time I thought educating Coaches on helping clients was going to be fulfilling for me. I was tired of coaching 35-45 hours a week. I was tired of waking up at 430am. I was just tired of the ‘grind’. I thought this pivot was going to change my career perspective.

What it did was show me that lacked in one specific area.


From that point on, the switch was made to

Purposeful Strength’s vision is to provide honest education and action items that make a difference.

Now, if you’ve been a recent reader of this website over the pasta 6-8 months, or if you follow along on our weekly newsletter, then you know I’m a huge proponent of putting yourself in a position to take action.

That has been the fuel for the newest program on this website, Start Here.

Start Here is intentionally titled so that you know where to take your first step. The first step that puts you in front of the action map worksheet, in front of the 12 week training program, and in front of the bonus items that will let you accomplish the program in its entirety.

And it’s free.

A secondary belief to Purposeful Strength is that access to quality fitness education and programming shouldn’t cost half of your paycheck each week. That you CAN find credibly professionals and resources that will give it to you straight and not treat you like you’re buying a used car.

The good guys do exist and I like to think that Purposeful Strength is one of them.

So that’s my purpose now.

That’s why this business is named what it is, that’s why Start Here was created, and that’s why our paid coaching is affordable and accessible.

I’m SO excited to share this with you, I can’t wait for you to get started.

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