Vermont Personal Trainer Specializing in Private 1-on-1 Fitness Coaching

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3 Things You Need To Ask For...

I swear this isn’t a click-baity title.

Maybe it was- I don’t know…who am I to decide how your brain works…

I wanted to drop a quick three things this week as this is something I have been thinking a lot about and this was ALMOST my 2018 review post but didn’t want to steal away the whole article with these things…SO here we are.

  1. You need to ask for referrals (and testimonials…)

    Seriously. You have to ask. Your clients love you and will hoard you all to themselves if they can. Ask ask ask!

  2. You need to ask for career growth.

    Career growth can be many things…do you want a raise- ask! Do you want to go on a podcast- reach out to the host and ASK! Do you want to speak at an event- reach out and ask if you can be a reserve speaker…but you have to ASK! Good things come to those who wait, but good things come to those who ask as well.

  3. You need to ask what you want from your career

    This one is not meant to come off as a “Debbie Downer”, rather, ask yourself where you want to be in 5, 10, 15 years. So many times i talk to trainers (or other industry professionals) and I ask them what end game are they working towards and most don’t even understand what I am asking.

    Trainers are really good at planning their meals and counting macro’s but struggle sometimes so see where they want to be in a few years…ask yourself…work backwards…I promise it will be worth your brain power and time.

BONUS ON THE LAST THING…Chris Merritt and Tony Gentilcore tackled this subject in their 3 Things Podcast episodes with me…give those a listen…

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